I’m stuck

I’m demotivated, depressed and downright drained. I’ve injected emotion and energy and instead of coming up trumps have come up awesome trumps and one fucking cunt of a non-collaborator.
It is feeling messy too I’m feeling like I should be able to see clearly but the place is pretty messed up. Although it is interesting. We’re are all the bits about where is aaaaaaaaarghghghghghghghghg what he fuck ami doing!!!!!!!
Is it only me that realises so much so quickly, can’t articulate it well, and expects stuff at a million miles per hour! So here was an email I sent to yes elf 🙂

He puts his effort in and delivers.

Paul is a good people manager

Ere are good comms people out there

Spenser is you natural change manager.

Eliza is your balance. Put her in chair several occasions a year.

Mural avoids engagement and consultation, he is a doer and director.

NIce is a divergent thinker, who is logically intuitive but won’t admit it.

Beth is here and now. Strategy does not become her.

Mal is a good consultant and facilitator. He smokes too much. Should be given hoishin strategy training and be asked to facilitate isolated group think more often.

Orificial is detail orientated manic depressive who should never be taken out of his depth. Optimisation is his area of perfection.

Yours truly is a yo going bean sprout who with clear direction achieves miracles and with no rapid results gets sad, bad and mad. Is a team player when working with collaborators. Don’t ask her to finish things.

Davis is mums boy. Must be a good procurement leader as he is doing a good job on margins. Something around him not letting go maybe. He must be stressed out of his gourd with loosing viki who is a rising star. Address that one, now – growing another Vicks isn’t easy.

Hues another rising star if givens team to lead. Natural project leader If he can be provided with analytics tools that can providendatantomanswer his questions without excel excellence.

Whiskey A natural tonic.

Muscles not a new thought in his head. Will never push his team. Borderlines on discrimination on dress codes and conversations about fellow workers. Nice bloke and in a hard position. He wants to not put his best people in one account, but Liz drives him to do it to deliver results. He can’t see why supervisors must not order process. I regret not being able to see him through to realising that his upper visors are the only first line of defence against wrong orders.

Suzerainty needs certainly and solitude. Needs clarity, focus and a clearly repeating task in isolation or a focused role in a silent atmosphere. Watch her, she can become a poison chalice when in a bad space. Don’t let her take a heavy bag and laptopmoutnof the office. It is a martyrdom sign to be avoided turning into a habit. Also paper and a bloody heavy laptop isn’t good for the back.

Atmosphere sucks by the way. Way too noisy to concentrate. Aks those who suffer me, Ross and Sandra. Then observe your people and see how often they are distracted from their work by random events and conversations in their area. This takes close observation skills without people watching. I suggest you take a new habit of being around and wearing earphones. Peopeloddlynassume you don’t pay attention once they are in. People are afraid of you so it could take two to three weeks of you camping in until they start seeing you as part of the furniture.

Also develop your proverbial vision skills and acute listening skills – be aware that if you are good at creating tunnel vision then you will struggle to find the gold I am describing.

You need to baffle using your filing cabinets in your new place. At least if you have to continue with a paper full business model make it work for you.

I’m pretty sure you are not going to get all your new furniture and stuff, with the global business going into decline ill be surprised, so if you don’t then here are some thoughts on getting the best out of what you have:

Do not set up desks so that users face each other – it’s more obvious when you gossip if you have to turn around to seek face time :). Issuing instructions inside your pod is okay, but if you launch a scouse compliment across the office it ain’t. Blocking this noise level is important. Because two hands are better than one and one day you will want people to work hands free. Don’t block it from becoming a reality now instead reduce future resistance whilst you have the chance.

If working with the originator country and customers important to building balance then think on the faces. Where are your English speaking Indian, Asian, Turkish, Moroccan, Korean, Indonesian, African diversity magnets. Think of the problems that you can solve now. And remove any race card from the table that is likely to get played at you if you are not careful.

Christoph is eager to learn and reminds me of a Unilever graduate recruit. Exposé him to many areas. His stamina and curious mind will engage him to learn, then make sure that you shave a career progression that will stimulate him. Be aware that mural is not his ideal type of line manager.

Markkk is necessary to replace anotherwilliamsms. Take the quality graduate and get her to begin to create a quality conceptmwithnpum. And know that she’s been skiving without direction; pam doesn’t record time well and the two could make a sloppy mix if not managed.o

Train pum. She’s getting torpid. Another year or twomofmsharing grand children pictures shell be next to immovable. Her systems thinking is only good, but could be excellent if she employs basic communication aids. must learn to document processes on the fly. Must learn to avoid emails, make calls and demonstrate more of the competences I would expect at her level.

Awards should not be given for fixing problems, but of them not repeating or not happening in the first place. Is there anywhere to reward? No 🙁 (except maybe mode)

If you are the one creating the problem for others to fix, and if your justification is to in the businessthatbfeeds your kids then of course you’ll keep on rewarding the wrong behaviour. I can’t fix that – you really need to change or build an awesomely responsive business, but that would require a back to the future trip and a delorian – of which I have neither – so several years now to move to a good place in it means you’ll probable launch more work in that’ll over tuallycompress resources. You are actually operating ina scarce environment. But you can’t deliver at ay cost because itnisnkilling you.

Healer is a natural hr administrator forming to manger in a clear two year timeline. Natural ability to constantly keep subjects ticking over, a desire to make things better and a non systems thinking, but instead people feeling person make her suited to an Landd role that migrates into hr. she’d be competent quickly with the right skills. She is bored and capable. Again never a good mix. Stretch her but for god sake make her role clear.

Cowlick, has a little something about him. Basic technical skills are low. He can learn. His memory patterns are rote activity based and so will require much reinforcement. But this man is passionate, wants to do a good job and could do more with focus. Don’t expect chris short tomdomit as the man is really stressed out.

Break up your geo group.

Seedy our best and your worst.

Remove your worst regularly and watch for performance, but do it with robust data. Conformance data is only okay if you are 100% itis human being poof. Avoid using conformance data. Use KPI’s instead.

Use KPI’s frequently. Not monthly. Daily trending with predictive forecasts without some excel guru needing to take place and humm loudly.

Sleep and whiskey. Not necessarily in that order.

I regret not being here to see this through. I do hope to be welcome back for a coffee. I want to ask a question and see if the coffee goes cold before the information arrives. Then I’ll know how well you heard the message.

Your business is data. You have several billion pounds of supply chain data at your fingertips. But you can’t touch it. Shame.

Don’t disillusion bob. With only a few years of experience he is a Nice mark 3. Make surenhenknows it and for god sake give home data that he can use. He is good at getting his people to learn, I can’t rate home highly enough.

Signing off for now.

Sent from my iPad

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