Got it wrong

Capacity is a problem.
The priority items must go through without affecting the every day flow.
Flow rates must be determined on cycle times or service level agreements based on customer needs (obstacle 1 in this note: customer needs are only basically understood and are not visible to supply business intelligence; opportunity to get Ray and Dilwyn to present findings as lunch bite to SLT – Provide both with an opportunity to excel – be kind and provide sufficient coaching and clarity of opportunity to impress (also consider simultaneously introduce swot analysis to both provide further aid to critical thinking and to assert what preparation and preventative work can be done to make it a “good”(define good as per all stakeholders: me, dil, Ray, Mike, Fraser, Rachel, Ann, Annette, …))).
Failure demand (first pass yield) is unmeasured but anecdotally stated as 45% – so existing capacity needs to deliver output (of the right thing on the right day) plus deliver immediately to priority demand. (

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