Archive for semi stressed milk – the blog


keep it simple stupid.  I tend to over complicate things as I’m not a great completed finisher and I like to experience a multitude of things to keep interested and connecting new things. Getting a measure of the place has been really complicated.  I wanted to see the analysis to make sense of the system […]

No more BREAD.

I don’t know what to write.  I’m going to have a good day at work tomorrow.  I’m going to listen and see where things go.  I’m also going to be curious and a stand for the future need of the organisation.  I want us to move forward I’m going to need to ask what for […]

Problem with complexity

It makes dependencies really tricky to identify. So a project (rate of progress) monitor is required. However if that tool doesn’t give you a true sense of completion. Then the current state is not fully understood. Significant new initiatives fail to deliver intended benefits. Importantly consequences on current operations cannot be predicted. Jeopardising reliable supply […]

OEE lack and build back

Just ate 5 Oreos! Insane! Assuming all people are equal (invalid, as trained operatives are required as operating instructions take so long to learn and are entirely likely to lead to error due to complexity and ambiguity) then the capacity constrained resource should be a machine. But it isn’t. Investigators are a different breed. Machine […]

Why, how did we get here, is this connected to anything else? What has to cone before? And after? What are the pitfalls? Enjoy glasses of wine and noddys guides and buy a new set of pens and a holder. 🙂 Profitability. 2.7million? Why are we scrabbling for 30k?

Semi stressed milk

I’m dealing with stress much better now. My neck cracks a lot. I’m letting it go better and more often. Time now to move to the next phase: (whilst avoiding soured milk) full fat cream. This place is so bad for me but lap it up!

I have to get them working with their IT crowd.

Relationship management. Who are my IT crowd? Where do they live? I won’t be here forever, so installing new habits is important. And have people realise that if we don’t log tickets we don’t have problems. And if the mean time between fixes is going down because we live in an ie world where emptying […]

Schedule lines will have to wait.

Now they are on my target. Need to get support. We don’t know what they are. I remember spending hours and days agreeing how they would function across Europe – nobody seems to know here. Maybe Dave Finlay?

Measure 1 – what we want to improve.

Box plot of variance on each area. Need spc book to remember what number type it needs to be to be a metric. Something like how many are performing to standard cpk? 5% minimum gradient for achieve. Anything less is a failure to do the job. We all have to work hard for each other […]


Ducking capacity planning on spreadsheet. No ducking attention to changeover times. This organisation thinks it can ducking plan! I’m here to make this organisation have a paradigm shift. We need longer lot availability to keep customers to stay in the market. We need a ducking excellent planning organisation. They are ducking useless and so are […]

easier lives every day