Archive for Uncategorized


I reckon we all need a place to hide.  A sanctuary.  A place where we can be whatever it is we need to be.  Asleep.  Awake.  Creative.  Resting.  Fixing.  Thinking.  Doing.  Still.  It might be empty or full.  A sea of chaos or an oasis of calm.  A riot of colour or a sea of […]

The Perfect Shower

Naked. Warm. Drenchingly Wet. Wild . Squeaky (clean that is:)). Smooth. Singing. Zingy. Smiling. Bubbles. Sexy… that is what a shower needs to do for me to be perfect! And I’m not getting it. Even with 20 mins a day spent in the shower.. And I’m on a mission to figure out why…..because at this […]

I’m easily distracted…SQUIRREL

I was summed up in a moment and a word! SQUIRREL! I was watching the SQUIRREL! moments from UP! and laughed so hard that I was crying – it’s soooo me! In the shower my squirrel moments outweigh my showering moments.. 10 secs Wait for Perfect Temp 14 secs Wet hair 30 secs Wash hair […]

I’m easily distracted…SQUIRREL

I was summed up in a moment and a word! SQUIRREL! I was watching the SQUIRREL! moments from UP! and laughed so hard that I was crying – it’s soooo me! In the shower my squirrel moments outweigh my showering moments.. 10 secs Wait for Perfect Temp 14 secs Wet hair 30 secs Wash hair […]

Semi-stressed milk

I actually wrote it down on my shopping list – 4 pints of semi stressed milk. See, growing up as a natural three toed sloth (moves slowly and leaves shit everywhere it goes….) left me in prime position to have a really messy house when I grew up. Marrying a four toed sloth (male, larger, […]

easier lives every day