
4.5 months into my new job and I’m ready to have a rummage sale. I’m ready to download data in my head about healthcare.

Gosh. What a place. Laughably a place where I didn’t realise the irony of receiving a set of highlighters in my on boarding pack. You would not believe the amount of paper. I’m going to have to learn how to file or how to plant a tree every day. My ears are ringing and I’m tired. I’m dreaming of work and they are keeping me from sleeping.

I’m discovering that management at a lower level when the devil is in the detail and I have to start and finish things is causing chaos in my head. I’m sure that I’m not effectively delegating. See this article Rach:

Creating a data view is gaining shape and I need to keep people informed.
Getting the actions progressed is key. I need to stop worrying about what is coming next and receive feedback.

It’s so nice to be home. Enjoy every moment and remember that you can’t make silk purses out of sows ears. Also you have a limited amount of time so just enjoy it while you can. Time will fly. Don’t be distracted.

Put together pictures and symbols.

One for standardisation. (E.g.iso symbol)
One for information. (A data cube)
One for visualisation ( a genetic code with markers)
One for predictability (something tall curves and high)
One for variation. (Spread)
One for connection of amplification – the beer game.
One for schedules both near and far. Mmmm lost this one already.
One for capacity. Buckets.
One for exceptions. Exclamation marks
One for Boms (bombs) on bombs.
One for team rubix cube.
One for building leaders. Succession planning.

That’ll do.

You can have a draw with each one in it. You can have plastic spines and use colour pens. Fuck em and work with paper. Just take photos and keep on posting.

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