
I reckon we all need a place to hide.  A sanctuary.  A place where we can be whatever it is we need to be.  Asleep.  Awake.  Creative.  Resting.  Fixing.  Thinking.  Doing.  Still.  It might be empty or full.  A sea of chaos or an oasis of calm.  A riot of colour or a sea of tranquillity.  It might be inside or outside.  It might be big or small.  A greasy garage.  A gorgeous kitchen.  A blissful bathroom.  A little corner of the world that it is just the way that you need it, whenever you need it.

Keeping that sanctuary can be hard.   And we need it to be there, just the way we need it, whenever we need it.  Somewhere to escape to.  To let go in and be free of whatever we need to leave behind when we walk into it.

Without a sanctuary we have no where to be at peace. And a little peace is important.  Particularly when we really need it.  And when life is hectic it is really hard to keep a sanctuary sometimes.  When all the four walls come crashing in the sanctuary can be pushed aside to let life happen.  Life crowds in.  Time is lost.  Sanctuaries get forgotten or used up or just plain old trampled over.  And sometimes it is no-ones fault – it just happens.

Imagine your sanctuary.  Mine is somewhere warm..  Somewhere with music.  Somewhere light and bright in the day and soft and warm with candles at night.  Somewhere away from the pressures of my life.  No reminders of the things that I feel I should be doing.  No washing or ironing.  No cleaning.  Nobodies else’s mess about from my own (and I have to have made it!).  A comfortable chair.  A space big enough to stretch in.  A window to look out of and daydream.   A little corner of my world that I can have as my own.  And what do I want to do in it?  Mostly daydream.  Do things that take my mind off the world.  Something that completely absorbs me.   And it may not be anything that I need to do for anyone else, or anything that makes a difference to others.  It might be something that is created and given away or just taken apart again to do another day all over again.  Whatever it is it is just what I feel I need to do. No actually I don’t need to do it.  The things I do in my sanctuary are the things that I want to do.  My need is to do what I want to do every now and =again.  You too?

I want to make a big rubber band ball.  I want to spend my time in my way in my place creating a big bouncy ball of fun.  Cool.  That works for me!

Sanctuary.  Where are you Sanctuary?  Well it could be anywhere.  Well not anywhere.  I can make a sanctuary feel light and bright, warm and colourful.  I can’t make a window – well not without a lot of money.  So my window is where I’m going start building my sanctuary.  Time to go see the views.

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