The Perfect Shower
Naked. Warm. Drenchingly Wet. Wild . Squeaky (clean that is:)). Smooth. Singing. Zingy. Smiling. Bubbles. Sexy… that is what a shower needs to do for me to be perfect!
And I’m not getting it. Even with 20 mins a day spent in the shower..
And I’m on a mission to figure out why…..because at this rate I’ll need a new mortgage to finance the energy bills; and I’d like to leave some water for the future generations, and I guess the hubby needs a hot shower too, one day.
But most importantly – Every day I want to feel fabulous – and it all starts for me with a perfect shower….
So when this video made me fall off my chair laughing I knew I had to share it! How To Take A Shower: For Men and Women